Student Discipline/Behaviour for Learning
The following section is an overview of the ‘Behaviour for Learning’ policy.
Good behaviour and effective learning go together. Just as we teach and model effective learning in the subjects of the curriculum it is essential that we model and teach the excellent behaviour for learning we expect our students to display.
The behaviour for Learning Policy provides a clear set of expectations for those who belong to our school community and a framework for consequences and rewards.
The main aim of the policy is to promote excellent behaviour throughout the school community so that:
- Every student will be able to improve significantly on his/her previous best.
- Every student will learn to become an effective, independent, self-motivated learner.
- Every student will develop confidence and expertise in literacy and communication skills to do well in all areas of learning.
- Every student will be able to take advantage of the school’s identity as a community focused school and as a centre of excellence for learning.
In order to monitor the behaviour issues and take the appropriate action staff will use the behaviour forms to refer and record any sanctions or behaviour issues that need attention on SIMS. All referrals will be sent to the Head of Year and dealt with following the appropriate policy.
Class Routines
In order to keep a consistent approach, all classrooms must have School Rules and Classroom Rules displayed in the relevant format. It is the responsibility of the Form Tutor using the room to ensure this is done. It is the responsibility of the Department to ensure this is done if the room is not used by Form Tutor.
Good discipline is usually maintained by the application of clear, consistent and fair rules. Positive discipline begins by stating clearly what is expected, and sticking to this. Staff who need additional support and guidance will be supported by their Line Manager and/or SMT if applicable.
Routines should be planned, placed and delivered professionally. Please note that at no time should a class be left unsupervised by the teacher or responsible adult.
What Students can Expect from Teachers
These procedures should be consistently followed by all staff.
- The teacher arrives at lessons on time.
- Lessons and resource’s are well prepared.
- The teacher establishes a clear routine at the beginning of the lesson for entry to the classroom, uniform check and organisation of the teaching spaces – including a seating plan.
- The register is taken and late arrivals recorded.
- The teacher settles the class and announces that the lesson has started.
- The teacher recaps on previous learning and highlights the learning objectives. Students should record learning objectives.
- All lessons will begin with a starter activity and end with a plenary which refers to the learning objectives.
- Lessons will offer a variety of learning styles.
- Students will be rewarded for significant achievement and improvement.
- The teacher establishes a clear routine for the end of the lesson including: collecting all equipment; checking desks and walls for graffiti, removing any litter; asking all students to stand behind their chairs where appropriate and dismissing the class with a positive comment.
- Pupil Exit from the classroom must be monitored.
- Staff need to present boundaries and reinforce these to pupils.
- Simple, clarified rules displayed in every room reinforced.
Pupil Internal Exclusion
- This room should be used to prevent external fixed term exclusion. It aims to be more beneficial than a student spending days out of school with limited positive outcomes. Students will be isolated from their peers and follow a programme of work.
- Break and lunch times may vary from the normal school day.
- Parents / Carers may be contacted in all cases if a student spends time in the supervision room.
What Staff can Expect from Students
- You are expected to wear full school uniform.
- You are expected to arrive at lessons on time and not leave without a permission slip.
- You are expected to behave appropriately in class at all times.
- You are expected to do your homework.
- You are expected to keep your mobile phone or personal hi-fi out of sight and only use in your own time, unless directed by a member of staff to be used as a resource during a lesson.
- You are expected to speak respectfully towards teachers and fellow students.
- You are expected to use computers appropriately in lessons.
- You must remember that smoking is not allowed on the school premises.
- You are expected to attend all lessons.
- You are expected to behave respectfully in the corridors.
- Basic equipment to be brought in.
Behaviour Sanctions
The following will progress a pupil through the sanctions process:
- Being late for a lesson.
- Refusing to remove coat, outdoor wear or any other inappropriate items of clothing.
- Arriving without the necessary books, equipment or materials.
- Refusing to sit where told.
- Interrupting when teacher or another person is speaking.
- Making disruptive noises.
- Interfering with the work of others.
- Ignoring instructions.
- Shouting across the room.
- Verbal abuse to other students.
- Wasting time.
- Use of phone in classroom/corridors.
Pupils who are persistently late for school will have:
- An Internal Exclusion (also used for repeat offenders).
After School Detention will be given for:
- Missing lessons.
- Missing lunchtime detentions.
Pupils who miss After School Detention without a reasonable explanation will be placed in Internal Exclusion.
Removal to Internal Exclusion will be Immediate for:
- Serious behaviour out of lessons.
- Behaviour towards others which is considered dangerous.
- Damage to, or theft of, school property or that of others.
Rewards and Praise
Praise plays a very significant part in improving behaviour for learning. Recognising achievement in various high profile ways at classroom, team and whole school level will have a significant impact on behaviour for learning.
In each lesson teachers reward the students for Focus (F) Commitment (C) and Success (S). These FCS Merit Points are recorded in the student planner and on are added to the overall School House points. The student with the most FCS points are rewarded during the reward assemblies.
FCS points can be used to reward any work or action above and beyond normal expectations.
Reward | Purpose |
1. Commitment (C) Merits Points for High Levels of attendance | To promote the importance of good attendance and punctuality. |
2. Year group assemblies. | To promote recognition of a variety of qualities. |
3. Department celebrations and all assemblies. | To co-ordinate end of year activities and link to reward for learning. |
4. School Family Assemblies. | To highlight student’s achievements for a wider audience. |
5. School Reward Assemblies | To promote positive attitudes to learning through tangible rewards. |